Project by Stephanie Marsh
You will need (for 1 stocking and 1 cushion):
½ M Christmas fabric
2 x fat quarters Christmas fabric
½ M white (or plain) cotton
matching thread
contrasting thread
toy stuffing
1cm wide co-ordinatng ribbon (approx. 12”)
4 small bells (optional)
The names on the applique were embroidered onto the white cotton using an embroidery machine, this is optional.
Instructions for cushion
1. Print off the PDF below, and tape together to form a large paw print.
2. Trace off the paw prints from this onto bondaweb. Roughly cut these out and the rough side onto the plain cotton. Cut then out and put to one side.
3. Cut 2 of the main cushion, 1 from each of the Christmas fabrics. Decide which one is the back and which the front. Put the back to one side.
4. Take the paw pieces and place them on the front cushion piece following the guidelines on the pattern. When you are happy with this remove the backing from the paw pieces (this is best done by scraping a pin across the paper to tear it, then remove all the backing paper. Pin in place, then using a steam iron set them in place.
5. Using an appliques stitch or a small close zig-zag stitch, stitch around all the raw edges to join them to the cushion front piece.
NOTE: pull any thread ends through to the reverse side and knot before cutting, this give a neater finish on the right side.
6. Now take the back piece and match it to the front piece, right sides together. Stitch all around, using a 1cm seam allowance. Leave a gap of about 4 inches across the bottom seam for turning.
7. Clip into the corners and trim the seam allowance (no the unsewn seam allowance) with pinking shears (or trim the seam allowances to about ¼ inch and clip all curves).
8. Turn right sides out and press.
9. Stuff firmly with toy stuffing. Use a little at a time so the cushion does not end up lumpy.
10. Using a ladder stitch, sew the gap closed.
Dog Stocking
The matching dog stocking was taken from the PDF below, which is available on the internet for free. The instructions were easy to follow. I did not use any wadding / fleece as I found the cotton was stable enough. The applique was carried out as per the cushion. To trace the stocking top onto the cotton I used a Pilot Frixion pen, these work very well on cotton, and when ironing it removes any signs of it, but it is best to carry out a test piece before.
The applique was carried out as above on the cushion.
To see more from Stephanie, visit her on Instagram @stephanie_j_marsh
Made by Stephanie Marsh for The Craft Cotton Company 2020