Project by Jo Hart

What you need:
Freddie and friends Fat Quarter Bundle
½ Mtr background fabric
½ Mtr lining fabric
22” piece of batting
20” cushion pad
Cutting out:
From background fabric cut:
4 – 4 ½” squares
4 – 5” squares
2 – 2 ½” x 16 ½” Strips
2 – 2 ½” x 20” Strips
1 – 2” x 20” strip
From Fat quarter bundle cut:
4 - 5” squares
4 – 4 ½” sqaures
From backing fabric cut:
2 - 15” x20” pieces of fabric
Step 1,
On all of the 5” squares, draw a line diagonally through the middle from corner to corner and cut apart on the line

Match 1 blackground triangle and 1 corresponding triangle together and sew along the long edge using ¼” seam allowance to create half square triangles. Trim each one to 4 ½” square

Step 2,
Arrange all the squares as per the layout guide and sew together in 4 rows of 4.

Step 3,
Take the 2, 2 ½” x 16 ½” strips, sew to the top and bottom of the block and press open.

Take the 2, 2 ½” x 20” strips, sew to the sides of the block and press open to complete the cushion top.

Step 4,
Make a quilt sandwich by layering the lining fabric, batting and cushion top together, baste and quilt as desired. Trim to 20” x 20”.
Step 5,
Take your piece of fabric measuring 15”” x 20” and fold over ¼” along the long edge, Press. Fold over another ¼”, press again and topstitch into place.

Step 6,
Take your strip of fabric measuring 2” x 20” , fold in half lengthwise with wrong sides together and press, fold the outside edges into the centre and press again, fold in half again on the first centre fold line and press to complete the binding. Attach the binding to the other piece of backing fabric measuring 15” x 20” along the long edge and topstitch into place.

Step 7,
Place your cushion front right side up and layer your first piece of backing fabric (with the binding attached) on top right side down, lining up the raw edges with the top and sides. Layer the other piece of backing fabric on top right side down, lining up the raw edges with the bottom and sides. Pin and sew all the way around using ¼” seam allowance.

Step 8,
Trim the corners being careful not to cut into the stitching and zig zag stitch all the way around. Turn right side out and insert cushion pad to finish.

To see more from Jo, visit her on Instagram @unicornharts
Made by Jo Hart for The Craft Cotton Company 2020