Project by Nicola at Bobbin Cottage Bodkin

You will need
Fat Quarter Sets & Fusible Foam all available from
The Craft Cotton Co
You will need 21 x 7’’ Squares
6 For The Pole (Red Glitter Fabric)
9 For The Twist (Cream holly fabric)
6 For the background (Green holly fabric)

Step 1
R/S together sew 6 Green Holly and 6 Cream Holly squares together, all the way round with a ¼’’ seam.

Step 2
R/S together sew 3 Cream Holly and 3 Red Glitter squares together, all the way round with a ¼’’ seam.

Step 3
Use your ruler and from corner to corner at the stitched seam cut both ways.

Step 4
Open out and iron the seam, light side to dark side, Snip off the ‘‘Dog Ears” .

Step 5
Now place the squares to create this pattern.

Step 6
Take the first block of 6, sew the top 3 together, the bottom 3 together then sew the two sets of 3’s.

Step 7
Now sew the 6 blocks of 6 together.

Step 8
For the border I cut the length of the Fat Quarter into 8cm strips.

Step 9
Join them together to match the length of the runner, put 2 strips R/S to R/S as below and sew down where the corners join. Snip away the excess open up the strip and iron.

Step 10
Sew the border down each of the long sides first, repeat for the two short sides. Press flat.

Step 11
I used Bosal In-R-Form Single Sided Fusible Foam Stabilizer on the reverse of the runner.

Step 12
Next I pinned a plain backing on top of the Fusible Foam on the reverse of the runner.
I then sewed all around the inner section to secure all the fabrics. (You could create a quilting pattern of your choice, as little or as much as you wish).

Step 13
Trim edges to neaten then add the bias binding to finish off. Open the binding out and place R/S to R/S on the front of the runner. Start in the middle of one of the sides, using the crease line as a sew guide stitch all the way until you come to a corner. See photos below for neatening corners.

Step 14
Once you have sewn all around, pin or clip to hold the binding down.
I always hand sew on the reverse so that you don’t see the stitches from the front.

Step 15
Hand stitch the binding on the reverse of the runner.

Ta Da! All finished!

I hope you’ve enjoyed this tutorial and it’s inspired you to have a go at making your own.
Please share your makes with me on Instagram @bobbincottagebodkin
Nicky x
Made by Nicky Hills for The Craft Cotton Company 2018