This tutorial will take you through step-by-step instructions on how to make a quick and easy bunting using any of your favourite fabrics and spare fat quarters you have lying around.

What will you need:
Paper or card for your template
Pencil and ruler
Bias binding
Sewing machine
Tape measure
A selection of fabrics (we used a selection of fabrics from The Craft Cotton Company range)
First make your template:
Choose the size you would like for your bunting. We went with a triangular flag that measured 21cm x 22cm, but you can make them any size you like.
Next, decide how many flags you would like on your bunting. We went with 12 as we had 6 fabric designs and wanted to repeat them twice.
Measure your triangle onto a piece of paper or card. Remember, you will need to incorporate a 1cm seam allowance into your chosen size. Cut out your shape.

Next, cut your fabric:
Pin your template to your fabric to secure. You will need x2 pieces of each fabric for each flag to make a front and a back.
Tip: If you are using the same design more than once, you can fold the fabric to cut out more layers at the same time.
Cut out your triangles.

Now sew you triangles together:
Sew them together with right-sides together.

Sew down both sides of the triangle, leaving the top open so that you can turn the triangle the right side out. Use a 1cm seam allowance.
Tip: Snip the bottom of your triangle so that when you turn the shape out you will be left with a neat point at the bottom, be careful not to snip through your stitch.

Trim and measure the bias:
Trim your seam allowance to approx. 5mm and then turn out your triangle and press. Trim any excess fabric sticking out of the top of your flag to give a neat edge.

Measure the width of your triangles and multiply this by the amount you are having on your bunting. Add on approximately 30 cm for each end of the bunting, and decide on the gap you want between each flag and add this on too. This will give you the length of the bias binding you need to cut.
Tip: Add on an extra 15cm to make sure you have enough in case of any mistakes.

Finally, cut and sew the bias:
Cut the length of your binding and press (iron) it in half along the full length. Position your first flag in place, sandwiching the flag between the folded binding. Edge stitch along the binding.
Tip: You can pin each flag in place on the binding, but you may find it easier to sew on your first flag and then measure the gap for your next flag whilst sewing. Do not forget to run the stitch at the beginning and end of your bunting so that the binding is fully closed.

Now your bunting is complete!

© By Victoria Louise for The Craft Cotton Company 2016